Saturday, 8 October 2011

WOW PVP Moonkin vs Shaman Guide (WOTLK)

Moonkin pvp guide

Moonkin is an amazingly fun class to play, especially if one is looking to own people in pvp and bgs. With high burst damage and
nice healing moonkins could be overpowering if played sensibily. To be honest with you guys this class on the other hand
has one of the least survivability in wow i know most of the people will going to agree with me who have played it for
long enough to figure it out the bitter way.

 Comparision vs Shamans:

  Easy to Moderate:
 +)Elemental Shamans:(pvp)
            Personally i think if a moonkin knows what he is doing he should have no problem defeating elemental shamams in pvp. I
actually go around pvp area looking for elementals, its fun dueling them. As the duel begins i usually go stealth as cat if
shaman is not sensilbe enough to put grounding totem. From that point onwards i have two options either pownce and rake
and with 3 to 4 combo points i can either rip him for the extra dot or either maim him to get the another stun. It totally
depends on what you want rip probably does around 500-800 per tick as you have all casting gear"you do have all balance gear"
right? and will not crit like it does if you are a feral spec druid. While you have pownced the shaman he can use a instant move called
"Thunderstorm" which can be used while stunned and it does moderate nature damage and knockbacks any1 near shaman 20 yard away.
From this point onwards you can either use "Dash" to get close to him fast and maim him or just cast cyclone before pownce wears off.

            By this time you will be in a total control of the duel and an unexperienced shaman would have lost his nerve
and will forget what todo when stuns finishes.Now when you maim him it is pretty helpful if you put on HOTs e.g regrowth and
rejuvination and lifebloom. Trust me it does help alot if you realy wana go toe to toe with a shaman without and time trying
heal yourself, but again if the shamans is experienced he will use purge right after stun ends and will remove all the
heal over times (HOTs) but almost 95 % of shamans i fought never purged me so it is basically a duel winner move for me.

            Now when as the stun ends first use damage over times (DOTs) moonfire and insect swarm. Right after that
thyphoon the guy as you will most likely interupt his lava burst which hits real hard as with fire shock on it crit chance is
100% but interupting can only occur if you are a fast caster and you dot him fast enough . By the way fast timing can only come
from more and more pratice and also try to keybind most move that you use frequently on keyboard while do all the movements
from mouse. So coming back to point after Dots i would recomend puting barkskin on incase you do miss thyphoon you still
gona take much less hit from lava burst followed by chain ligtining and lightining bolt. so barkskin will allow you to megitate
alot of early onslaught damage and by the time it ends i.e after 10 sec your health would still be more then 75% .

Moonkin vs Shaman

           During barkskin spam wrath untill your lunar eclipse procs after that you can either cast starfire or wait till you
get a 1.5sec reduced cast time for the starfire from that pvp 4 set bonus. "you do have pvp gear right ?" Earth and Moon effect
puts a debuff on target so with every wrath you can get 13% increased damage on target :) . While casting all these moves i
usually cast starfall too which quickly takes the shaman down. If the shaman is foolish enough to forget that he can heal too
and goes berserk on just casting damaging moves he will sure going to lose unless there is a big difference in your gear and
his gear.But if he starts healing feel free to bring your treants out the tree friends:) the will cause alot of pushbacks to 
the poor shaman while trying to heal himself and also will gona fairly increase your damage on him.
By now you will be doing huge amounts of damage even if your moves are not criticals as with two dots,wraths/starfires,
starfall and the trees and at this point about 80% of shamans dont survive even if they are focusing healing and if you are
doing all of it right.
           They have one of the most annoying move in the game hands down "WIND SHEER" it is a short cd(6 second cd) interupt
which piss you off as hell especially when you will b trying to heal and the short cd means you will be interupted twice in 12
second window and an experieced shaman will spam it like hell. This is one of the reason why i dont recomend casting long casting
moves like starfire and healing touch in pvp because most of the clases have interupts and it is easier to interupt a long cast spell.
Then best way is to let the shaman interupt you while casting damaging moves and then you have a 6 sec window in which you can
either "Cyclone -My favourite:)" to heal and put Hots on and start casting starfire like couple of seconds before the cyclone ends
this will allow you to skip the next interupt from shaman on your starfire and you will most likely get another 6 second window to
freely cast anything. You can on the other hand stun them while you are expecting an interupt from them by using warstomp or go bear
and bash or go cat and maim and then just freely heal yourself back to full. Another important thing you should knowabout this interupt
is that it has a short range around 15 yards which means that u can escape this anoying interupt if you stay out of its range!

           Always look out for that grounding totem especially when you are about to cast "Cyclone" because it will waste your
cyclone and as cyclone has diminishing returns i.e. if you cast it consecutively your next cyclone will always be lesser in
duration then your first one. Like your first cyclone will gona have a 6 sec duration, second one will be around 3 sec third ,
1 sec. I hope you all know that after 3 consecutive cyclones your cyclone goes on cooldown (cd) and casting it fourth time onwards
will make the target immune to cyclone and you have to wait over 1 min to cast your cyclone again so i recommend just cast it
twice and then wait like 10 secs or so and then cast 6 sec cyclone again .The best option is if you see him placing a grounding
totem just cancel cyclone casting and do a moonfire on shaman which will be directed towards the totem and then he gets a cooldown
on casting grounding totem and you can resume casting cyclone:)

          I know most of you guys would be hating it to see a shaman using Bloodlust(BL)8min cd} and going red or using any other abilities
which will increase their casting speed around 20-30% that means they will gona do way much damage more damage then you and heal
faster. Here you again judge the situation again because pvp is basically all about judging the situaion and acting accordingly
so if you think you can kill the shaman before he kills you go ahead follow your cycle and dont worry about it or if you feel
like he is doing way too much damage then you have to go defensive. Its time to roll down your sleeves and use all the
moves in your arsenal to stop him from casting as much as possible. Use bear bash =3 second stun, cyclone him twice , go cat form
circle around him or run out of casting range. You can also maim him in cat form,
use warstomp if all interupts are down or save it when your are sure you can kill him in 2 sec of
stun. cyclone again and by this time i am sure his bloodlust will be almost over and you will have all hots on you and have full hp.
start all over again and taking him down now surely will be way easier so use cds again.

          Shamans go ghost wolf to run out of your casting range, keep this in mind that you can hibernate any beast for 10 sec
which is like hex i.e same shaman move where he turns you into frog. Only if you are in caster form he can hex you so just change to moonkin
and hex gone:) while the shamans hibernated you can heal back to full! This is rare but i have fought some elemental shamans which
kite you with "Earthbind totem"and run around you so that you cannot cast most of the moves.In such a scenario treat the fellow like
he is a melee just cast entagling roots, take out earthbind totem and run far away from their range which will be realy annoying for
them because as windsheer has a short range they cannot interupt you and you can do whatever you feel suitable todo. If he is still tries
to kite you ust thyphoon him and run again.Remember you are the master shapshifters and your can kite them they cant kite you.

          Controlling a duel is the key to success in pvp no matter what class your are fighting against. As a good moonkin you are
suppose to gain benefits of all of your shapes e.g stun and 25% increase hp and upto plate armor in "Bear form" when expecting high damage 
from enemy, stealth, pownce/maim=stun, rake/rip=extra dots and dash to get out of range of any foe incredibly fast to suprise or to 
control a duel,last but not the least travel form aka cheetah is always helpful when your dash is on cd and can be used anytime in